離婚騒動が巻き起こる!恐怖の元旦那第7弾/A divorce tornado attack! A story of the fearful husband #7

大事なお話があります/I have an important thing to tell you.

「大事なお話があります」と言われ、みなさんはどのような心境になりますか?/If someone says so, how would you feel?

これはかなりのパワーフレーズだと思うんですよね。人が真剣なときほど熱量を感じるじゃないですか?/Wouldn’t “important thing” be a powerful word? When someone is being serious, you can feel the passion?

その熱量が自分に向いてると気になるもんなんですよ。そしてその熱量を感じるパワーフレーズを感じる連絡をもらった私は3回目の会う約束をしてしまった。/And wouldn’t you be curious when you know that the other person is passionate about you. I could feel that that energy within his word and I promised to see him again…

これまでの流れからなんとなく想像できる人もいるかもしれませんが、そこにさらに「+α」が付きます。 まさかあんな展開になるとは…/You can probably guess what would happen after this. But there was a bit more extra to it… At least, I did not expect it…


前回、彼は最終的に離婚を決意したと話したが、その流れをご説明したい。 お家に帰ります⇒離婚したいと伝えます⇒別の女ができたのか?と詰められます⇒好きな人ができましたと答えます。 そして…  /Previously, I mentioned that he decided to divorce. But I will explain how his conversation went with his ex. He went home ⇒ He told her that he wants divorce ⇒ She suspected that he has another woman behind this ⇒ He confessed that he is into another woman and…











I am into you.











と、告白してきたわけですよ。 で、Bの心情はいったん置いといて、奥さんは当然怒り、なにそれ?となる。そのまま別れるといい、慰謝料をもらうからと言い出す。(当たり前でしょ…)/Yes, he confessed his feelings toward me. And leaving B’s feelings behind, of course, his wife was mad. Saying what a f. And she accepted the divorce but would ask for alimony. (We would totally agreed with what she said this time.)


Bの心情とAの感想/B’s feelings and A’s opinion


さて、本編の最中ですが、ここでちょっとAがこの話を聞いて突っ込みをします。対談式でこの辺はもう少し触れますが、しばしお付き合いください。/So, we are in the middle of the story but let A dig into B’s side of the story a bit. We will do the interview after but just a bit now.


Bはこの告白や彼の心境、状況を受けてどう思ったか。。。/So how did B feel? And how B handled it…












“I want to protect him”


was how B felt.













A’ s comment for this is…


What the…











意味わかります?俺にはマジでわからない!!!なんなの?どういう心境なの?いや、なくもないし、そんな人いるって聞くけど、身近にいるとは思わなかったよ!!!!俺はそれを聞いた時言葉にならなかったよ。/I mean, do you understand how B’s mind works? I absolutely don’t!!!! What the…how the heck can she possibly feel so? Well, I mean I know some people may have a similar mindset but did not think that I ever come across. I was speechless when A said this.

皆さんも思うことはあると思うよ?あれないで?あれないで?わかる。俺も同じ心境だったから。まずは冷静に。 恋心ではなかったというけど、どうだかなー結局進展してるし、ちょっと告白されて舞い上がっちゃったのかもね?でもさ、でもさ、、、、、/I understand, you probably feel the same way as I do. Frustrated. Please calm down. Let us be cool. A said that she did not have any feelings for him at this point but I doubt it. Because in the end, they started going out! So she was probably a bit I think she was a bit excited about what he said… but…but…












Still, this left me speechless.











本編に戻ります。/Let us be back to the story.

告白後の約束/A promise after the confession.

ここで、Bはある決断をする。 「好き」と言われてしまった以上、私はこれ以上関わってはいけないと感じた。/B made up her mind. As long as he already confessed his feelings for her, she can not go any further.

人様の家庭を壊してしまうきっかけを与えてしまった。そして、私自身も婚約者との関係を見直し、変えていく必要もあると感じていた。 そのことからある決断をした。/Doesn’t matter if she didn’t mean it or not, she kind of triggered this. So B decided that she should be focusing on reconsidering her relationship with her fiancé and change what is not on the right track. So she made one decision.

それは「連絡をするのはやめましょう」ということ。/Which is not to be in touch with him.

互いに見直さないといけない環境、決断を出さないといけない環境、進みださなければならない環境があるので、私達はこの日から連絡するのをやめる約束をした。/Both had relationships that had issues. Which needs to be considered and come up with the answer. So they promised not to keep in touch.

ここから、私たちは互いの身辺問題の解決に走りだす。/So, from here the story is focused on each other’s side of the story.



ここからは中華統一!!!!! 7人の王が覇を争う展開となる!!!!!/Now let’s combine all the last together. We have 7 kings fighting for one land!!!!!


過去の記事/past articles

恐怖の元旦那のLINE交換術/ A story of fearful husband #4 how he exchange number #4


家出は計画的にね!飛び出すだけでは危険がいっぱい/If you ran away, please make a plan first! It is a dangerous world #5

恐怖の元旦那第6弾!家出後の相談 / The story of the fearful ex-husband #6! The talk after running away#6


お悩みハンドブック/(Only for Japan) Handbook for troubles

お悩みハンドブック/(Only for Japan) Handbook for troubles

https://compass.graffer.jp/handbook/landing 困ったときは上記の質問に回答して相談先を見つけましょう!!!/You can answer simple questions and find out where you can get necessary help.  

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